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Campus UNED

PCE appeals

The PCE complaints/appeals procedure is regulated by Article 21 of UNED’s Regulation on the accreditation of students from international educational systems for enrolment at Spanish universities, published on the following website  (Regulations)  and by Article 20 of Real Decreto (Royal Decree) 534/2024, of June 11. 


Appeals should be made within three working days following the publication of marks. After this period, the online platform meant for such purposes will no longer be available.

The students are required to support their appeal by a sworn declaration. The online application will allow the appeal to be sent only after the sworn declaration has been uploaded.. You can see how to submit a claim in this video

The appeal must be sufficiently justified in order to be admitted. The procedure can also result in a higher, equal or lower mark.

Students can see their marks only when their accreditation application has been accepted. If you have some issues with your application, you must email us at  

In case some subject or subjects have not been scored yet, students must send an email to, indicating the following:

  • Applicant’s Name, surnames and ID.
  • Subject(s) involved.
  • Examination centre.

They must attach a copy of their ID card or passport.

Decisions on appeals

The publication of the results of the appeals will be carried out as they are processed with a maximum period of 5 business days, counting from the day following the end of the period established for submitting the review request.

Privacy Policy

In compliance with the General EU Regulation 679/2016 on Data Protection and current legislation, information on grades or exam claims may not be provided by any means to any person other than the person who performed the tests, except in the case of minors, in which case, to attend to the requests, a document certifying parentage or guardianship must be attached.

How to file a claim for exams 

How to view an exam